Getting Started

The Faith in the Family Sessions are stand-alone teachings that can be used for personal reflection or with a group so you can discuss concepts and ideas afterwards.

There is no study guide, but the teaching is fantastic and provides lots of thought-provoking principles for every family.

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Video content

Rob Parsons: Why it matters

In this session Rob lays a foundation of the importance of faith to family, community and society. Be encouraged to discover the power of prayer and see the value of faith in all aspects of your life.

Gavin Calver: The role of the Church

Gavin challenges us to consider how we as the Church can support marriages, parents and families in need. He shares stories of how old and young come together and encourages us that it takes the whole church to raise children in faith.

Katharine Hill: Real families

Katharine shares about the role of the family; pressures from outside and within; and the significance of vulnerability, connection, support and grace.

Philip Jinadu: Opening our doors

Philip looks at how we can make our home a hub of mission to those around us and how our families can serve and love our community. Philip shares from his own life and reminds us that we don’t need to have all the answers, but can be prepared to look for the opportunities.

Gavin Calver: It takes a whole church to raise a child

Gavin helps us see how we can encourage, support and inspire a new generation into lifelong discipleship, exploring the principle that it takes a whole church to nurture faith in children.

Nicky and Sila Lee: Faith in the home

Nicky and Sila explore the opportunities and challenges of living out faith and consider what does authentic faith in the home look like? They share helpful principles from their own lives for marriage, parenting, church family life, friendships, prayer and lifestyle values.

Philip Jinadu: Making a difference

An inspiring talk from Philip on being ready and equipped to impact the lives of others and how as families we can make a difference to the communities around us.

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