Our popular community courses look to support you in your relationship, whether you’re preparing to get married or have been married for years.

These courses can be used together as a couple at home, by a group in the community, or if you’re looking to host an event specifically to support couples. The topics covered look to build and strengthen healthy relationships.

Marriage preparation course update: We are excited to release our new marriage preparation course The Pre-Marriage Sessions in 2024 which has replaced our previous Marriage by Design course. If you have previously run Marriage by Design, we would love for you to take a look at the new resource which is available now in our shop!

If you were in the middle of running the Marriage by Design course with a couple and need access to the materials, you can find them here. This content and its corresponding materials will be discontinued on Friday 16 August. Please do get in touch if you have any questions: mail@cff.org.uk

Every marriage is different, but all marriages experience ups and downs – there are the romantic times when the sun seems to be always shining, and the tough times when winter seems to have set in for good. That’s why families need all the support they can get – not only to help them through the joys and challenges, but also to keep their own relationships strong. If you need additional information or support, visit our Couple Support pages by clicking the button below.

You may be interested in the Prepare-Enrich programme which helps couples to prepare for marriage, enrich their relationship, or review and improve their co-parenting by taking stock of their strengths and growth areas. Click the button below for information about accessing their programme or the training to run it yourself.

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