What is Who Let The Dads Out?

Who Let The Dads Out? is a network of groups specifically for dads, father figures and their children. The essential element of a group is that the dads and their children will attend sessions together. Beyond that, each group can be tailored to the needs of the community in which it is based, for example the age range of children, the activities provided and when sessions occur. That said, most follow the traditional parent and toddler group format and take place once a month on a Saturday.

Who Let The Dads Out? deepens relationships and creates memories between dads and their children. It also enables the men of your community to engage with your organisation and gives you the opportunity to begin to build relationships with them and their families. In a church-run group the dads may be offered the opportunity to explore the Christian faith.
Who Let The Dads Out? has a Christian heritage. It began and grew in UK churches, and so some of our resources and content is naturally church-oriented. However, any organisation – faith based or not – is welcome to set up a group and join us in providing support to and creating memories for dads and their children.

It might be worth trying a one-off session to begin with – just to get things off the ground. Advertise it for fathers, father figures and their children, and tell the people who go to your weekday parent and toddler group – if you have one – about the Who Let The Dads Out? group. Finally, get the grill going to fuel a steady supply of bacon/breakfast butties!

New WLTDO? groups can be registered through your website user account. If you don’t already have one, please create an account and select that you are a WLTDO? organiser on the form. After your account is created, visit your account dashboard and simply fill in the form with details about your group. We will get in touch when we have received your information and will confirm when your group can be found on the directory.

A good place to start is to take a look at our video-based training package called Nuts & Bolts.

We can also arrange for you to have an online consultation with one of our representatives.

If you would like us to send you a free copy (while stocks last) of the now out-of-print book Who Let The Dads Out? written by the founder Mark Chester please contact us at mail@cff.org.uk

When you register a group, we will send you a welcome email with a link to a welcome pack which includes further advice and information. 

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Please note: As a Who Let The Dads Out? group, you must adhere to health & safety regulations, as well as safeguarding legislation, and have an established Health & Safety Policy and Safeguarding Policy in place which you can provide to anyone who requests it. Care for the Family cannot be held responsible for any matters relating to health & safety or safeguarding in respect of any Who Let The Dads Out? group. As a first point of contact, we recommend you speak to the leaders of your organisation to clarify safeguarding policies and procedures.

Yes you can and we are thrilled that Who Let The Dads Out? already has a number of replications beyond the UK.  However, it is important that we make clear that Care for the Family’s primary purpose is to strengthen family life in the UK and the Isle of Man. Whilst overseas groups should be able to access many of our online resources, including our social media networks, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the same level of support as we can provide to groups within the UK and the Isle of Man. You can read our overseas engagement policy here.

You can, and we welcome groups into the network with different names. Indeed, there are groups registered with us under a variety of names, often because they were already operating.

However, if you are starting out, we would encourage you to use the name Who Let The Dads Out? for your sessions if possible. The name has been important in drawing attention to the need for supporting dads. Also, its familiarity has encouraged families to go along to their local groups.

The impact of Who Let The Dads Out? as a network is strengthened with each new group, so above all we would like your group to be identified as being part of Who Let The Dads Out? whether you use the name or something different.

Not necessarily. It is more important that the right people – those who are welcoming, friendly and can put people at their ease – lead the group, regardless of their gender. However, if possible, it is preferable to have some male leaders associated with your group as this helps to confirm in people’s minds that the sessions are for men.

There are pros and cons for both charging and not charging. Some say that your sessions will be valued more if you charge a fee. However, if you decide to charge, it is important to try to keep the fee low, so as not to exclude anyone.  Further, to make it easy for people who cannot afford to pay, avoid placing a collection box at the entrance to the building where not contributing may cause embarrassment – consider putting it where the refreshments are served, for example.

The original Who Let The Dads Out? was set up for pre-school children and their dads, and a separate mid-week, early-evening group called SODA (School’s Out, Dad’s About) club was developed for older children. It can be difficult to provide equal enjoyment for children across a wide age range, but many groups accommodate both pre-school and older children and it works successfully for them. If a dad attends with a toddler but also has an older child, some groups allow the older child to become a helper and proudly wear a helper’s badge! Overall, it is important to decide on the age range you want to accommodate, publicise this, and then stick to it in as clear and gentle way as possible.

Make clear that your sessions are for dads and father figures, and encourage grandads, uncles and godfathers to get involved with their children.

It’s entirely up to you. Some churches like to include Christian content in their sessions, and that’s fine, but there’s no obligation to do so.

There is some truth in the old saying: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Need we say more? However, it is advisable to make alternative arrangements for those who cannot or choose not to eat bacon.

SODA (School’s Out, Dad’s About) club is another way of supporting dads/father figures and primary-school age children.

Soul Man? is a format for giving men the opportunity to explore faith and spirituality.

Each of these programmes is covered in the book School’s Out, Dad’s About written by Who Let The Dads Out? founder, Mark Chester. This is out of print but contact us at mail@cff.org.uk if you’d like a free copy (whilst stocks last).

These are specific resources that have been developed which link with Who Let The Dads Out? but of course there is nothing to stop you developing other ideas or linking in with existing initiatives. See more ideas for engaging with dads.

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